Wednesday 9 May 2007

Oh the noodles!

Well, it seems I've gotten the running back under control - going at least once a day - but I'm struggling with the diet. I mean... I'm not eating McDonald's, I'm not eating candy, I'm not drinking soda, and I'm not eating chips (known to Americans perhaps as "crisps"). However, I do eat a hell of a lot of instant noodles. And that stuff's bound to be bad, right? Especially if you have say two servings of it each day.

So, you know. It's great that I'm out running regularly, but unless I can get a handle on my eating, I'm not sure just how much of a benefit running is actually going to be. My general fitness and tolerance for running will no doubt improve, but probably not as well as it should.

I need a professional trainer I think!

1 comment:

Stu Mac said...

Suggestion for fresh food, buy some cheap see through fridge containers from Coles or Safeway, only a few $$, I have about 5 of them and they are great. I have had bok choy in the fridge in one of these containers for 7 days and its still very fresh.

Re the weight, if I can do it, anyone can... I am 177cm and was 110kg about 6 years ago, nowadays I motion between 78-80kg and I'm 40 and comfortably running as often as I want.