Thursday 22 March 2007

Temptation Part 4

We went to the movies tonight. TMNT, or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles if you prefer. Man oh man is it hard to walk into a cinema, and actually get past the concession stand without buying anything. I'd say my resistance rate is probably something like 50/50 these days, but unfortunately, tonight fell on the "submission" side of the balance. I had a choctop ice-cream. Boysenberry. And boooy was it good.

What did I have for dinner, before going to the movies? A peanut butter sandwich. 474kj (about 123 calories, give or take) per tablespoon. How many tablespoons did I have? Probably about 3 or 4. Not the best dinner! We haven't done the food shopping in over a week - our car has cost us a lot in repairs over the past week - and we're running out of anything healthy. Not sure if that's much justification for going overboard on the peanut butter allotment, though.

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