Link: 10 Tips for Runners
A great list of tips here, titled "Ten Tips for Completing a Marathon".
Check it out!
I'm 177cm tall, and weighs 105kg. I'm planning to lose about 20kg over the course of 2007, but more importantly, I'm aiming to change my entire lifestyle and outlook on health. This blog will help me track my progress, and maybe act as some sort of inspiration for others.
A great list of tips here, titled "Ten Tips for Completing a Marathon".
Check it out!
Posted by Van at 10:41 am 1 comments
Wow, this WalkIt service looks pretty neat. It's not available in Australia yet - or anywhere outside of London, it seems - but hopefully it'll cover Aussie cities in the future.
"Still in beta, website is a mapping site designed for perambulating pedestrians keen to do their bit to fight global warming.Read more about it here.Currently covering a large chunk of London, the site helps walkers plot cross-town journeys in a similar fashion to London Transport’s Journey Planner.
Users simply type in the postcode or street name of their start and end points and a zoomable street map (based on is generated, with the walking route clearly marked in blue.
If the user hasn’t been specific enough with their addresses, the interface offers up a list of more precise locations, including road intersections."
Posted by Van at 10:18 pm 0 comments
We went to the movies tonight. TMNT, or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles if you prefer. Man oh man is it hard to walk into a cinema, and actually get past the concession stand without buying anything. I'd say my resistance rate is probably something like 50/50 these days, but unfortunately, tonight fell on the "submission" side of the balance. I had a choctop ice-cream. Boysenberry. And boooy was it good.
What did I have for dinner, before going to the movies? A peanut butter sandwich. 474kj (about 123 calories, give or take) per tablespoon. How many tablespoons did I have? Probably about 3 or 4. Not the best dinner! We haven't done the food shopping in over a week - our car has cost us a lot in repairs over the past week - and we're running out of anything healthy. Not sure if that's much justification for going overboard on the peanut butter allotment, though.
Posted by Van at 10:07 pm 0 comments
I was interstate for a week on work, a few weeks ago, and a complete brainfart at 5am in the morning lead to me leaving my bloody luggage there. I literally got all the way to the airport, onto the plane, and back into Melbourne before I'd realised I was minus all my luggage. I am a pillock.
Anyway, two weeks of stuffing around after that, and I manage to get it back. Couriers being idiots, the people over there taking almost a week to get me the info I needed before I could arrange shipping, and so forth.
Why do I bring this up? Because my running shoes were in my luggage. If I'd known it was going to take two weeks to get them back, I'd've just bought some new ones! Oh well.
Did I continue to eat properly in the intervening two weeks? Honestly, no. I didn't exactly eat horribly - steered clear of McDonald's and its ilk - but I probably had the odd Coke here and there, and I made the wrong dinner/lunch choices a few times.
The point is, I didn't do any exercise in that time. I could have gone swimming, I could have done situps and pushups and all the rest, but I didn't. Bloody unacceptable.
So anyway, I've got my shoes back. Have I been jogging in the week since I got them back? Once. My motorbike accident last November left me with a pretty sore knee, and it's been flaring up lately. I really can't figure out why, though. I was jogging in January, and in February, and in early March, and it was mostly fine. So why is it causing me a problem now? I went jogging the other day - that "once" that I mentioned - and I get a sharp pain in my knee whenever my left leg hits the ground. I'm quite worried, but right now I can't afford a visit to a physio.
Really not sure what to do.
Posted by Van at 10:31 am 0 comments